Friday, August 26, 2011

Our choices

Here's a bunch of pictures from my phone. Hopefully you get a good idea of all the selections we picked.

 Brick Color is Millbrook I think

 Fireplace Stone

 My hub the day we signed our contract agreement

 Laminate floor color with kitchen cabinet and granite

 Our lot is 165

Master bath tile

 Master bath tiles with cabinet color

 This was taken from my iphone. I had to search everywhere for a sample of a venice with a partial stone. We actually got brick, but i couldn't find a sample. This is pretty close to our siding/trim...just picture the brick instead of stone. And our plan is garage will be on the other side. Ryan didn't have a real picture of these options and the computer generated one they gave us just looked silly. I'm glad I found this online!

Our siding choices...we are hoping to convince them to paint the door black instead of red...we'll see!

Spare bathroom colors


  1. I love your selections...if you remember or get a chance can you post the names/colors of all the selections...really helps others when making their selections for the front door, you can get it painted whatever color you want...ours started out black, then we changed it to Old Colonial Red, but when the door was installed we decided we actually like the white better, so they are going to paint it white...bottom line, you can quickly paint it whatever color you want after you move in...unless there is something in the HOA about door colors.

  2. I love the colors you chose too! Good work!

  3. I love your selections--especially the master bath tile, we chose the same thing for our master bath :)

    I look forward to following your progess on your home! Happy Building
